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Career Guidance and Psychology

Career Guidance and Psychology

In our school, psychological counseling and career guidance exist at all levels so that the student can independently manage, adapt to society, knowing himself, ensure personal growth, take the steps necessary in accordance with his individual competencies and abilities in accordance with future goals. Psychologists and mentor teachers assigned to these units conduct personal characterization...

Robotic Coding & Legomaker

Robotic Coding & Legomaker

Robotic coding, information systems and technology are important in teaching science. Our students who are interested or talented in this field, can participate national and international competitions, festivals, etc. through their creative work and have a unique perspective. Our school has two special laboratories for robotic coding and legomaker research.

Student Counseling & Psychology

Student Counseling & Psychology

The Psychological Support Council and specialists will take action to help our students better understand themselves, adapt to society, self-govern, ensure personal development and take the necessary steps to meet their future goals through their personal competencies. Psychologists and counselors from these departments conduct individual characterization tests for our students to monitor their personal and...

Laboratory of Natural Sciences

Laboratory of Natural Sciences

The Turkish Education Foundation attaches great importance to school laboratories for conducting research by students and teachers  in all schools around the world. At the same time, the Bishkek School of Education has created the necessary conditions for these laboratories. Physics Laboratory Chemistry Laboratory Biology Laboratory Natural Science Laboratories

Language Teaching

Language Teaching

Students of international schools of education have the right to learn several languages at the same time. Kyrgyz, Russian, English and Turkish languages are taught in the complex as part of the curriculum and as extracurricular activities. Language teaching is supported by practical applications rather than established methods. It is taught through teaching methods and...

Art & Music

Art & Music

Through our carefully designed and equipped visual arts, music labs and workshops, students have the opportunity to develop themselves in the arts at our school. It is not just a school focused on academic development, it strives to develop all aspects of students and to reveal all the hidden talents of students. In addition, students...

Clubs and societies

Clubs and societies

International schools of education contribute to the development of students with around 30 club courses. At the beginning of the school year, the clubs they choose will be announced to students through a form and will be opened in accordance with the collected requirements. Club lessons consists of art, sports, language and science subjects. In...



The International Maarif  Schools of organize sports and sports-supporting events in schools around the world. Students’ physical and mental initiatives are supported by extracurricular and in-class activities. In  International Maarif schools may be established internal and international competitions, tournaments and similar sports teams depending  on the country’s capabilities.  In the student-oriented demonstrations, students will be...



Эл аралык Маариф мектеби бардык өлкөлөрдөгү мектептеринде спортту жана спортчуларды колдогон иш-чараларды өткөрүшөт. Окуучулардын  физикалык жана психикалык демилгелери класстан тышкары жана  ички иш-чаралар менен колдоого алынат.Өлкөнүн мүмкүнчүлүктөрүнө ылайык, эл аралык Маариф мектептеринде ички жана эл аралык мелдештер, турнирлер жана ушул сыяктуу спорттук командалар түзүлүшү мүмкүн. Студенттерге багытталган көрсөтмөлөрдө студенттер өз жөндөмүнө жараша спортко багытталат жана...

Клубдар жана коомдор

Клубдар жана коомдор

Эл аралык Маариф мектептери 20 га жакын клубдук курстар менен студенттердин өнүгүүсүнө салым кошушат. Окуу жылынын башталышында алар тандай турган клубдар окуучуларга берилген форма аркылуу билдирилет жана чогултулган талаптарга ылайыкташтырылып ачылат. Клуб сабактары; көркөм өнөр, спорт, тил жана илимий сабактардан турат. Клуб сабактарынан тышкары биздин мектепте Биринчи жардам жана жашоо коопсуздугу, Драмалар, Кайра иштетүү жана...